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How to Make Mega Tree in Minecraft TUTORIAL

How to Make Mega Tree in Minecraft

This commodity is about Overworld copse. For Finish trees, see Chorus tree. For the found that grows into a tree, see Sapling. For Nether tree-like structures, encounter Huge fungi.


Anywhere in the surface biomes of the Overworld where low-cal and clay are present except mushroom fields.

Consists of
Can generate in
existing chunks


A tree is a mutual terrain feature that mainly consists of log and leaf blocks. There are vii types of trees – oak, bandbox, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, and azalea. Other structures are loosely defined equally trees: the huge mucus, huge mushroom, and chorus tree.


  • 1 Structure
  • 2 Growth and characteristics
  • 3 Types of trees
    • 3.1 Oak
    • 3.2 Bandbox
    • 3.iii Birch
    • 3.4 Jungle
    • 3.5 Acacia
    • 3.6 Dark oak
    • Azalea
    • 3.viii Huge fungus
    • 3.9 Huge mushroom
    • 3.10 Chorus tree
    • 3.xi Variant trees
      • 3.11.1 Dying trees
      • iii.11.two Fallen trees
  • 4 Foliage colors
  • 5 Data values
    • 5.ane ID
  • 6 Video
  • seven History
  • 8 Problems
  • ix Trivia
  • ten Gallery
    • ten.ane Odd generation
    • ten.2 Official artwork
  • 11 References

Trees 13w36b.png

The trees found in Minecraft, excluding azalea trees.

Copse vary widely in elevation, from a blank minimum of ane log cake for bush trees, ranging up to a maximum of 30 blocks for giant jungle trees.

Tree canopies are composed of leaf blocks and grow one block college than the highest log block (except those of the giant oak tree, whose leaves abound 3 blocks higher). The canopy may begin from the ground and get upwardly to 6 blocks from the ground. Tree canopies are generated from roughly spherical clusters of leaves virtually 5–7 blocks across, centered on sections of trunk or branches. Leaves must exist supported past an adjacent trunk (or leaf blocks connected to the trunk); otherwise, they disappear.

Large oak, dark oak, and behemothic jungle trees abound branches (logs connected horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to the torso or other branches). Nigh of the time, a single tree has betwixt one and 6 branches, and each branch has between one and six logs. Acacia tree branches do not embrace their branches in this way.[ more information needed ] Regular oak, jungle, birch, and bandbox copse (both pocket-sized and large) lack branches.

Jungle tree growth example.png
This jungle tree cannot grow because of the red wool block (looking from the northwestern corner)
Trees are created when chunks are generated, and can also be grown from saplings.

Tree saplings have a 120 take a chance (one40 if they are jungle saplings) of dropping from leaf blocks when they disuse or are destroyed. There are six species of saplings, corresponding to the six main trees: oak, birch, spruce, jungle, acacia, and nighttime oak.

A tree that was grown in a cavern, with the necessary light provided by torches.

The sapling can be planted on any variant of dirt (except clay path) or a moss block, and must accept a light level of at least 8 in the sapling block.

A sapling uproots with light level 7 or less in the sapling block itself unless it has a view of the heaven that is unobstructed (except by drinking glass or other transparent materials). The sapling must have at least six blocks of space above it to abound; the amount of required space varies betwixt the unlike species of trees. A ceiling higher up sapling limits the maximum tiptop of the tree that can grow from that sapling. Still, dirt blocks and logs may non prohibit tree growth, and in some cases may exist replaced as a sapling attempt to grow through them. Nonetheless in Bedrock edition, logs prohibit tree growth.

If multiple saplings are planted next to each other, each i grows every bit long as the leaves from the other grown saplings do not cake as well much of the sunlight. Artificial lite (torches, etc.) tin can even so be used to grow them if this happens.

Copse can be generated anywhere where at that place is light and dirt.
All trees in the agile clamper radius effectually the player brand attempts to grow at random intervals. For whatsoever given tree this can work out to about i growth attempt per minute. When a tree attempts to grow, it first checks that it has enough lite, and then randomly chooses which variant of that species of tree to become; for instance, an oak sapling chooses to grow as either a normal or fancy oak tree.

Once a tree has passed a light check and called size to attempt, information technology checks if in that location is enough space for its chosen size. If it encounters an obstacle during this cheque, information technology fails to grow and must wait for the side by side pass before it tin attempt to grow again. This means that a tree in an open field with enough low-cal grows relatively rapidly, but a tree in a cramped tree subcontract that stunts its size may make several attempts earlier finally growing.

Os meal, when used on a sapling, has a risk of forcing it to grow, so long as all of the normal checks (lite, infinite, dirt, etc.) have passed. It does not guarantee growth, but forces an attempt to grow.

Planting trees in the Nether
All saplings grow usually in the Nether and in the End, although they must be planted in dirt transported from the Overworld and provided with sufficient calorie-free and space. Leaf blocks in the Nether have the same color every bit if they were placed in a desert biome. In the end, they are a deadening bluish-green, as in the windswept hills biome.

In lodge to grow a 2×2 tree (exist information technology spruce, jungle or dark oak), iv saplings must be placed adjacent to each other in a square. For growth to succeed, there must be no blocks adjacent (even diagonally) to the north-western side upwardly to the final elevation of the tree. The bone meal can be used on any of the saplings. The largest jungle and spruce copse achieve 31 blocks alpine. Night oak copse are typically 6–8 blocks tall.

Leaves and logs removed from a tree do not grow back over time.

When a sapling on a grass block or mycelium grows into a tree, the grass block or mycelium is instantly converted to dirt.


Primary commodity: Oak

Oaks are among the most mutual trees in the game. They have the smallest space requirements, and along with dark oak trees, they tin drop an apple tree when a foliage cake is destroyed. In swamp biomes, a slightly larger variant of the regular oak tree with vines is generated, which tin can naturally generate in shallow water. Large (or "fancy") oaks may also grow or generate in place of regular oaks; these are taller and may feature branches. A rare variant is its smallest configuration, colloquially known equally a "balloon" oak.


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The specific instructions are: Some of the other bandbox variants

Spruce copse grow from spruce saplings and have growth patterns and requirements similar to birch trees, although they appear unlike. They are mainly institute in the taiga biome, only they may besides generate in windswept forest, snowy plains, snowy taiga, and old growth taiga biomes. Spruce logs have the same texture equally oak logs, but it is a darker shade of brown; its leaves are denser, with a darker and more blueish tone.


Birch trees look adequately similar to small oaks in terms of height and are most commonly plant in birch wood biomes. There are two types of birch: a shorter tree that can be grown past the player with birch saplings; and a taller, rarer variety that generates simply naturally in alpine birch forest biomes.


Jungle copse are one of the rarest naturally generated copse in Minecraft because they are native to the jungle biomes, which are themselves rare. Jungle tree leaves drib jungle tree saplings. When planted in grass or clay they grow into a jungle tree with a 1×1 trunk, but the player can place them in a two×2 formation to grow a jungle tree with a two×ii trunk similar the trees found naturally in the jungle biome. Bushes also generate in the jungle biome, featuring oak leaves and a unmarried jungle log.


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The specific instructions are: All acacia tree variants

Acacias are found in the savanna biome. They are about viii blocks tall and characteristic unique diagonal trunks, and may occasionally have multiple canopies.

Dark oak

Dark oaks are found in the nighttime wood biome. They have thick, ii×2 trunks, and generate dirt blocks under their trunk if generated on a steep cliff. Night oaks almost always generate with irregular logs connected to the trunk – these represent big branches.


The counterpart to the real-world azalea shrub takes the form of a tree in Minecraft. Azalea copse generate on any empty space higher up a lush cavern, with roots consisting of rooted dirt and hanging roots that accomplish downwards to the lush cavern. The tree usually appears at the surface, but they can generate inside caves if at that place is enough room and a lush cavern below.

Azalea trees can be manually grown past applying os meal to an azalea or flowering azalea block ("bush-league"). Different about trees, they practise not have their own woods type (the trunks are composed of oak logs), but they take 2 types of leaf block: Azalea leaves, and Flowering Azalea leaves.

Huge fungus

Huge fungi come up in many shapes and sizes, from actually small to really huge. Their trunks are composed of "stem" blocks which are nigh identical to wooden logs, except for beingness not-flammable. In place of leaves they accept nether wart blocks or warped wart blocks, with occasional shroomlights embedded inside them. Crimson huge fungi often generate with weeping vines.

Huge crimson fungi are plant in the crimson woods biome; huge warped fungi are found in the warped forest biome.

They can be grown from crimson or warped fungus, placed on carmine nylium or warped nylium. To grow into a huge fungus, the original fungus must be planted on the matching type of nylium, and so bone meal applied to it.

Huge mushroom

While loosely defined as a tree, these are structures generated in certain biomes. Instead of logs and leaves, they consist of mushroom stems and mushroom blocks, which don't decay. When harvested without Silk Affect, they drop mushrooms. They come in two variants, brown and blood-red.

Chorus tree

While loosely defined every bit a tree, these are structures generated on the outermost End islands. Instead of logs and leaves, they are instead comprised of chorus plant trunk blocks and flowers on the tip. They do not drop their own cake but instead chorus fruit. They are normally extremely tall, with multiple branches. When the bottom of the chorus tree is cut, the whole chorus tree falls apart, dropping their fruit. The branches are tipped with "chorus flowers", which practice non driblet when the tree is broken, simply can separately be broken (and dropped) by whatsoever tool, bare hands, or the impact of any projectile. When a chorus bloom is placed on End rock, information technology grows into a chorus tree over time — unlike near trees, this is a step-wise process as the chorus flower generates branches ane block at a fourth dimension.

Variant trees

In Bedrock and Teaching editions, trees can generate as one of the two following variants of the normal tree. Both of these generate naturally, and can exist grown out of normal saplings.[ane] [ii]

Dying Trees.jpg
The unlike dying tree types.

Dying trees

These copse have the standard growth design of whatever other tree, however, all exposed logs in the main trunk are covered with vines. They can generate every bit dark oak, jungle, spruce, minor oak copse or be grown from saplings.

Birch Fallen Log.png
Oak Fallen Log.png
Spruce Fallen Log.png
Jungle Fallen Log.png

Unlike possible fallen log variants

Fallen copse

These trees consist of a single upright log, or stump. Logs lying on their side are frequently institute 1–ii blocks from the stump. Oak, spruce, birch, tall birch, and jungle trees can generate as fallen copse.

Main article: Tint

Depending on where the tree generates, the color of the leaves may differ. For example, if an oak tree is in a colder biome, such every bit a taiga or windswept hills biome, it has a bluish-light-green hue. In a snowy taiga, the leaves are white with a slight grayness tint. However, if it is in a dry biome, such equally a desert or savanna, it has a mustard yellow hue. Birch leaves do not follow these rules; it is e'er the aforementioned color regardless of the biome.

Leaves are checked individually for biome coloration rather than equally part of a larger tree; as such, trees that were grown between biomes commonly accept multiple shades on each side.


Name Identifier
[No displayed name] tree

It has been suggested that this page be divide.[discuss ]

If this split may potentially be controversial, do not split until a consensus has been reached.
Reason: info from this department could be split into the pages for each individual tree blazon

Java Edition Classic
May 21, 2009 Notch shows involvement in calculation trees.
May 23, 2009 Notch says he accomplished adding "Trees with a trunk and a Canopy".
0.0.14a Added trees. At this signal they were available simply as oak trees with a unmarried foliage colour, and were simply stumps covered with a thin leaf layer. Foliage is a 3×iii×3 cube.
0.0.14a_08 Inverse tree shape again, this time with a "+" shape in the tiptop leaf layer.
0.0.15a (Multiplayer Test 1) Trees have a new shape, resembling modern pocket-size oak trees.
June 14, 2009 Notch discussed copse as office of his vision for resource-balancing in Survival mode: "You can never directly build wood, merely if you plant seeds on grass, you get a small plant. After some time, the plant will pop into a large beautiful tree."
Baronial 25, 2009 Demonstrated Trees tin at present be grown with saplings.
0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST The tree growing ability was implemented.[ needs testing ]
0.29_01 Growing trees on a multiplayer server is now optional.
Java Edition Infdev
20100227-1 Trees temporarily removed to test basic infinite world functionality.
20100320 Re-added trees.
20100327 Trees regenerate after the world is reloaded.
20100330 Trees no longer regenerate.
20100413 New larger trees implemented, using parts of Paul Spooner's Forester editor script.[3] [4]
20100420 These new trees can be grown with saplings.
20100607 Reverted dorsum to one-time tree lawmaking.
Coffee Edition Blastoff
v1.0.6 The big trees were re-added.
Coffee Edition Beta
1.2 Birch and spruce trees introduced. Trees predating this update would appear to have multiple types of leaves, equally the data indicating tree type was previously used for decay calculations. Oak copse no longer generate in Taigas.
1.5 Birch and spruce trees can now be grown using saplings. Old saplings either stayed as an oak sapling or became either a birch or spruce sapling.
1.8 Pre-release The Swampland biome was added, with a new tree pattern (made of the same blocks as oak copse), which are of more uniform size and take vines growing on them. There is no fashion to abound these trees; oak saplings abound normal oak trees. A bush-shaped multifariousness of oak tree was removed.
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta ane.9 Prerelease four Trees can sometimes exist found growing on blocks of sand in swamp biomes.
1.two.ane 12w03a Added jungle copse.
1.3.1 12w19a Pocket-sized jungle trees can generate with cocoa already growing on them.
1.3.2 pre Large oak trees now generate with sideways logs.
1.7.2 13w36a Mega spruce copse, nighttime oak copse, and acacia copse added. These trees borrowed other copse' leaves and wood.
Spruce trees now generate in ice plains biomes and extreme hills+ biomes in addition to oak copse.
Large oak trees no longer naturally generate in forest biomes. Jeb explained it was due to issues in the large tree generator lawmaking that caused severe performance issues.[5]
13w43a Acacia and roofed oak now have their own wood, leaves and sapling variants. Notation that acacia and roofed oak trees generated prior to this snapshot remain unchanged.
1.7 Renamed "roofed oak" to "dark oak".
1.8.2 pre4 Big oak and dark oak branches no longer replace solid blocks.
one.ix 15w44a Large oak trees now generate in woods biomes again, thanks to an FPS ready provided past Spooner.[6]
i.10 16w20a There is now a rare risk to find solitary trees in plains.
one.xiii 18w06a Large spruce copse now transform nearby grass blocks into podzol when they grow.
18w22a Naturally-generated leaves at present survive at a distance of upwards to 6 blocks from logs, instead of 4.
1.15 19w41a Acacia tree 19w41a.png The tops of big acacia canopies are at present plus shaped.[vii]
19w45a Acacia tree 19w45a.png The tops of big acacia canopies are now again a rotated square
i.17 21w10a Added azalea trees that generates with azalea leaves, flowering azalea leaves and oak logs.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.0 Added oak, spruce, and birch trees.
v0.two.1 Oak trees generate with spruce wood.
v0.4.0 Oak trees use oak wood once again.
v0.9.0 build ane Added jungle trees (small and mega), dark oak trees, acacia trees, mega bandbox trees, oak trees (swamp and large oak variants), and version-exclusive fallen and dying trees.
Cold-en oak trees (spruce trees shaped like oak trees) no longer generate.
v0.11.0 build 1 Added tall birch tree variant.
Bedrock Edition
? Mushrooms no longer generate as part of fallen trees.
1.16.0 beta ane.xv.0.51 Large spruce copse now transform nearby grass blocks into podzol when they grow.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.00 Patch 1 1.0.1 Added oak, spruce, and birch trees.
TU12 Added jungle trees.
TU27 CU15 1.18 Added dark oak and acacia forest, just without their own leaves or saplings.
TU31 CU19 1.22 Patch 3 Added dark oak and acacia saplings.
TU60 CU51 1.64 Patch 30 ane.0.11 Added fallen and dying trees.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.ane.0 Added trees.

Problems relating to "Tree" are maintained on the issues tracker. Report issues there.

  • Floating copse may appear when small above-ground ponds generate in a forested area. This happens since the tree is generated when the chunk loads first, before the swimming appears underneath. This leaves the tree floating above the lake. If the pond is lava, the tree can catch on burn, potentially spreading to other trees and starting a wood fire.
  • Large jungle copse and night oak trees generate with clay under them if they generate partly or wholly over air or h2o blocks.
  • Oak, spruce, birch, and acacia are all genera of trees.

  2. MCPE-21304
  3. a b service/506311060
  4. http://world wide
  6. MC-29844
  7. MC-163293
  8. "A fleck of a clearer view of the trees" – Notch, May 23, 2009, Tumblr
  9. "And the cross-cutting" – Notch, May 23, 2009, Tumblr


How to Make Mega Tree in Minecraft TUTORIAL

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